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Trail Conditions Season 2024 See our News Page

Walking Holidays Europe


The Swiss, French and Italian Alps comprise the greatest supported trekking destination in the world. The well maintained trails and breath-taking scenery connect alpine villages and mountain huts. Our trekkers can rely on clean, comfortable and beautifully situated accommodation. You can trek for as long as you want and never need to carry - well anything much more than a day sac! Everything you need is waiting for you just around the bend...

Walking Holidays Europe - Experience the Stunning Beauty

There’s no better place for a great walking holiday in Europe than the Alps and Mont Blanc Treks pride ourselves on delivering the best possible experience for you. The best way to get to know this simply stunning part of the world is by feeling the earth under your feet, the sun on your face and the prospect of its gastronomy at the end of your day. Trekking holidays are simply the best way to discover these vibrant, rural mountains - and to take in their raw, natural beauty.

Each of our Alpine walking routes offer the very best from the area. We’ve lived here for many years, walked 1000’s of kilometres and explored these mountains in all conditions. This has enabled us to provide you with the most reliable advice you will find, whether you decide on a guided or self guided trek.

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