
What do you think makes a trekking experience truly memorable for your clients?

Well, I think it depends if it's guided or self guided. So if it's guided, I think one of the most important factors is the guide. I think if the guide is fantastic, then the group will have a fantastic time. So I think that's the most important factor of the guided trip, which is why all our guides are local. They all know the area really well. They've all got a massive, massive passion for this, for this environment that they work in that they know extremely well. And they have so much experience. So that's, I think, one of the most important things, obviously.

Can you share a particularly memorable or unique trekking experience you've had with your clients?

I think they’re all memorable, there may have been a few odd things that have happened but I think it's the camaraderie that is special. You're in this bubble when you're trekking with a group and that's all that's going on in people's lives. So you are in this little bubble, and what's going on in the world is just in the background. When you're not with those people anymore and the trek has ended, and they’ve disappeared back to their normal lives, it's strange. It's like a little family. I think it's just the whole experience, rather than specific moments, just sharing memorable views, memorable meals, all of those things, sharing them with different people.

How do you gather and incorporate customer feedback into your services?

During the trips, asking people if they've got any problems or they've got any comments or whatever, just to give feedback directly to us. Afterwards, we send them the Feefo feedback form but we also ask them beforehand. So we review the booking process, but also the trekking side of things so they can comment on both to find out if they've had a good experience. We're always finding ways that we can improve our customer service.

What’s the most rewarding part of running a trekking company?

Just meeting new people, and not just new people, meeting people that start out as clients and then become friends. There's people that I've trekked with so many times and they're now really good friends. Really, it's like going on a holiday with your mates. Which is great and the most rewarding thing I suppose. In addition to that you share the beautiful environment that we trek in. But it's the people you meet that make it.

Can you share some lessons you’ve learned from the trekking community or from your own experiences on the trail?

One top tip. Be prepared! Be prepared in every sense. So fitness wise, because it's so much more enjoyable when you're able to trek these routes comfortably. Be prepared kit wise, there's nothing worse than being out in the mountains and not having the right kit with you. Yeah, I still make mistakes now, where you think, my God, it's freezing and you need another layer. And you've got everything on that's in your rucksack. You still need another layer. But then on the flip side to that you can be carrying too many things as well. So you carry a really heavy rucksack and don't need any of it. But I'd rather be over prepared than under prepared!

How do you stay motivated and inspired in this line of work?

Because it's amazing! Because of the passion that we all have in being here in this beautiful environment. So it's not hard to stay motivated at all, because it is just a wonderful environment. And to share that with people is one of the greatest pleasures, really.