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TREKKING IN 2021... See our latest blog

Niveaux de Trek et Préparation Physique

Vous vous êtes donc inscrit pour une aventure estivale, le moment est venu de vous assurer que vous êtes en forme et prêt afin de profiter au maximum de votre trek. Le Tour du Mont Blanc et la Haute Route sont tous les deux des grands défis et la préparation est clé pour atteindre votre objectif.

Tous les treks que nous proposons sont exigeants physiquement, vous marcherez sur des terrains accidentés et montagneux avec des montées et descentes soutenues au quotidien. Assurez-vous de connaître les distances quotidiennes parcourues ainsi que le gain de hauteur et la descente afin de savoir à quoi vous attendre.

C’est une bonne idée d’essayer de faire votre sac à dos au préalable pour maximiser l’espace, vérifier le poids et de vous débarrasser de tous ce qui est inutiles ! Si vous n'avez pas l'habitude de faire de la randonnée avec un sac à dos plus lourd, emportez-le avec vous lors de l'entraînement pendant les mois précédents.

Consultez notre page Liste de colisage pour plus d'informations.

Nous notons nos treks de 1 à 10 (1 étant relativement facile et 10 étant extrêmement dur), chaque trek reçoit une note en fonction de la difficulté du terrain et du nombre de jours de trekking soutenu.

Pour expliquer en plus de détail:

Fitness Questionnaire

Take our short questionnaire to help to determine your trekking fitness level.

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Need any further advice on trek fitness and preparation? It is in our interest to support your preparation for the best trekking experience possible. Mindset, fitness, nutrition, hydration and maybe more... It may be just confirming what you already know makes sense for trekking in high places but we will be available to try and answer your questions and offer ideas to get you ready to go.

Get in touch with us for any advice and help with trek suitability, health & fitness preparation:

Nutrition and Hydration

One of the most important things in addition to fitness is your nutrition and hydration during the trek. Poor nutrition and hydration can severely affect your physical performanceand it is important to get your nutrition and hydration right, you will be burning lots of calories and loosing essential fluid each day so it is imperative you carry the right kinds of food and enough water with you to avoid dehydration and malnutrition.

It is advisable to drink plenty of water before you sent off on each days trek so you are fully hydrated. A pack lunch can be bought from local supermarkets when staying in villages or from the accommodation if ordered the night of arrival. If you are not familiar with the kinds of food and drink that would be good when exerting yourself on a daily basis do some research beforehand and trial what works best for you.


It is essential that you stay hydrated before, during and after each day on the trek. The amount you take each day really depends on your personal needs, but we would suggest a minimum of 1.5 litres of water. Depending on the itinerary there might be opportunity to replenish your water supply during the day. This information will be available from your guide or if on a self-guided trek further information will be given on the daily route cards so you can plan accordingly.


You know what suits you best & food is fuel! You will be burning lots of calories so eating well is essential to the enjoyment of your trek. The meals provided on the trek will give you a balanced nutritious diet, evening meals will consist of: A starter of soup or salad, main course of meat or vegetarian option with pasta, rice or potatoes & vegetables plus a dessert. Continental breakfast of cereals, yogurt, bread, jam, meats & cheese. Dietary requirements can be catered for, please specify at the time of booking & remind each accommodation on arrival.

On the Trail

Snacks, trail mix, fresh sandwiches & fruit, you know what works best for you whilst you are out & about in the mountains. There will be opportunity to purchase fresh food each day from a local bakery or supermarket. When staying in the more remote locations the refuges will provide you with a pack lunch at an additional cost, make sure you order this on arrival for the following day. If you have a bag transfer it is worth having a stock of none perishable snacks in your transfer bag so you can top up your backpack with your favourites.

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